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Most popular Behind the Experience episodes of 2022

Go behind the build with product leaders to understand how they craft the perfect product experience.
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Behind every great product experience is a relentless-yet-disciplined team that built it. And this year, we gave those folks a voice to share their stories, strategies, and lessons learned in our new podcast: Behind the Experience. 🥳

Each week, our Content Programming Director Ramli John and Director of Customer Enablement Lyla Rozelle went behind the build and talked to teams from brands we love.

Behind the Experience Episode with Appcues hosts: Lyla Rozelle and Ramli John

We had an all-star lineup of guests, but these 3 episodes stood out amongst the rest.

1. Hotjar

Demystifying tracking code with an installation screen

The biggest challenges Hotjar faces in user onboarding is the huge upfront effort and trust required to install their tracking code. They're not alone—and it's a common hurdle many SaaS companies have identified in their onboarding. Without their code in place, users can't fully experience the product's value. (No aha moment = no bueno! 😭)

When we interviewed Alessio Laiso, Hotjar's Senior Product Designer, he walked us through his fix: designing a dynamic and personalized page that gave new users options and clear instructions to install their tracking code.

It may sound simple, but oftentimes the best solutions are! Laiso's TLDR?

“The key to improving the user onboarding experience is personalizing it based on the user’s goal."

🎙️ Behind the Experience 🎙️

Learn some lessons from Laiso and tune in to this episode featuring Hotjar.→

2. SwipeWell

Make it easy for new users to discover their aha moment 💡

If you want to improve your user onboarding experience, then you'll want to reduce the cognitive load for new users (that's fancy talk for the strain or effort users exert to accomplish a task). One way to do this is to give users a gentle nudge in the right direction—and Swipewell gives us a great example to learn from.

SwipeWell's "Aha!" moment comes when a user adds something to their swipe file. During SwipeWell's onboarding, they nudged users to swipe something from Copywriting Prompts.

When we chatted with their Co-Founder, Corey Haines, he explained:

Corey Haines cofounder of SwipeWell quote about user onboarding

🎙️ Behind the Experience 🎙️

Learn how to discover your product's aha moment by tuning in to this episode featuring SwipeWell.→

3. Copper CRM

Demystifying Copper’s magical success screen

Acquiring new users and guiding them to your product’s “Aha!” moment can require some heavy lifting—but you can't assume the job is done just because users have discovered your critical activation event. It’s essential to keep new users interested in your product.


Copper does it by celebrating their customers' achievements—creating a connection between their success and your own. (We love to see it! 😍)

This tactic helped Copper encourage more than 25% of their new users to install their Chrome plugin à la this success state screen.

Copper CRM success state onboarding screen that celebrates their users

At the very bottom of the screen, a subtle bar reads, “Click here if you’d like a demo with one of our Copper specialists” providing Copper with a great opportunity to get a personal demo from a specialist while they've already got attentive eyeballs.

🎙️ Behind the Experience 🎙️

Listen and learn from Copper in thie episode of Behind the Experience.→

Appcues greatest 2022 content hits

Our best content—all in one place! Browse our most popular:

  • Youtube videos
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  • GoodUX examples
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Author's picture
Kay-Kay Clapp
Content & Communications Manager
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Behind every great product experience is a relentless-yet-disciplined team that built it. And this year, we gave those folks a voice to share their stories, strategies, and lessons learned in our new podcast: Behind the Experience. 🥳

Each week, our Content Programming Director Ramli John and Director of Customer Enablement Lyla Rozelle went behind the build and talked to teams from brands we love.

Behind the Experience Episode with Appcues hosts: Lyla Rozelle and Ramli John

We had an all-star lineup of guests, but these 3 episodes stood out amongst the rest.

1. Hotjar

Demystifying tracking code with an installation screen

The biggest challenges Hotjar faces in user onboarding is the huge upfront effort and trust required to install their tracking code. They're not alone—and it's a common hurdle many SaaS companies have identified in their onboarding. Without their code in place, users can't fully experience the product's value. (No aha moment = no bueno! 😭)

When we interviewed Alessio Laiso, Hotjar's Senior Product Designer, he walked us through his fix: designing a dynamic and personalized page that gave new users options and clear instructions to install their tracking code.

It may sound simple, but oftentimes the best solutions are! Laiso's TLDR?

“The key to improving the user onboarding experience is personalizing it based on the user’s goal."

🎙️ Behind the Experience 🎙️

Learn some lessons from Laiso and tune in to this episode featuring Hotjar.→

2. SwipeWell

Make it easy for new users to discover their aha moment 💡

If you want to improve your user onboarding experience, then you'll want to reduce the cognitive load for new users (that's fancy talk for the strain or effort users exert to accomplish a task). One way to do this is to give users a gentle nudge in the right direction—and Swipewell gives us a great example to learn from.

SwipeWell's "Aha!" moment comes when a user adds something to their swipe file. During SwipeWell's onboarding, they nudged users to swipe something from Copywriting Prompts.

When we chatted with their Co-Founder, Corey Haines, he explained:

Corey Haines cofounder of SwipeWell quote about user onboarding

🎙️ Behind the Experience 🎙️

Learn how to discover your product's aha moment by tuning in to this episode featuring SwipeWell.→

3. Copper CRM

Demystifying Copper’s magical success screen

Acquiring new users and guiding them to your product’s “Aha!” moment can require some heavy lifting—but you can't assume the job is done just because users have discovered your critical activation event. It’s essential to keep new users interested in your product.


Copper does it by celebrating their customers' achievements—creating a connection between their success and your own. (We love to see it! 😍)

This tactic helped Copper encourage more than 25% of their new users to install their Chrome plugin à la this success state screen.

Copper CRM success state onboarding screen that celebrates their users

At the very bottom of the screen, a subtle bar reads, “Click here if you’d like a demo with one of our Copper specialists” providing Copper with a great opportunity to get a personal demo from a specialist while they've already got attentive eyeballs.

🎙️ Behind the Experience 🎙️

Listen and learn from Copper in thie episode of Behind the Experience.→

Appcues greatest 2022 content hits

Our best content—all in one place! Browse our most popular:

  • Youtube videos
  • Blog posts
  • GoodUX examples
Charts and graphs
Author's picture
Kay-Kay Clapp
Content & Communications Manager
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